
I will never forget this moment. When I first moved toVancouver Islandin the late fall of 1993 one my favorite drives was up the west side of the island along the Sooke highway. As I was driving along the winding road in a steady drizzle I slammed on the brakes and backed up several hundred feet. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted something of the road in the forest that registered in my brain. The colorful mushroom that caught my attention was about a foot and a half in diameter and simply blew my mind. Follow up research leads me to believe it is an example of “Aminita caesarea” although I’m sure someone can correct me if I’m wrong. The name Shirley comes from a road sign nearby that readMunicipalityofShirleyalthough a tiny building was the only indication of a community. This particular mushroom has appeared in several of my images.
Status: Collection of the artist